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A Beautiful Bouquet Of Madness

A Beautiful Bouquet Of Madness

A Beautiful Bouquet Of Madness is Leanna Michelle Hewitt (LUNAIRIS)'s fourth self-published full-length collection of poetry following My Stars Are The Ocean, Wildflowers In Bloom, and Dreaming In Purple.


A Beautiful Bouquet Of Madness digs deep into the underworld of lost and found love, burning passions, and intense emotions. Hopeful romanticism takes a turn towards the darker side of reality, twisting the reader's mind into a realm of hauntingly beautiful horror.


With each piece written in the heat of the moment, inspired by life events, thoughts, feelings, memories, and loved ones, you will surely lose yourself in the real and raw truth expressed within every word. Hidden messages, deep metaphors, and secrets kept are waiting to be found by those who truly understand them.


LUNAIRIS weaves her heart and soul into her poetry and this collection of intricate insanity is no exception. Crazy loves crazy, and what a beautiful bouquet of madness we arrange together.


Warning! Contains: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Not for the faint of heart.

*Contains sensitive and adult content that may trigger strong similar emotions and/or memories - please practice healthy self-care before, during, and after reading.


2021 © LUNAIRIS Leanna Michelle Hewitt All Rights Reserved

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